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Your Views

January 12, 2016


AB SPCA Education @evrylivingthing: Loved the Teacher’s Pet feature in the ATA News. Pets provide comfort and inspiration to so many!

Kevin Wood @Kevin_Wood: Hey education folks. Let’s add a sense of humour to the list of attributes our students need to be successful in life. Thoughts?

D Martin @d_martin05: Understanding math, and understanding how to teach math may be similar but are in no way equivalent.

Chris Smeaton @cdsmeaton: Growth can only occur when there is some discomfort!

Teacher Goals @teachergoals: Even if they’ll never admit it, many missed you over break. Act happy to see them too tomorrow.

Urban Teacher @urban_teacher: You may not be there yet. Stay dedicated. You’ll get there!


We asked teachers what resolutions they’ve adopted for the new year.

Lindsey Bingley

My resolution is to eat breakfast at home with my family instead of at school, always in a rush, right before the kids arrive.

Cherra-Lynne Olthof

Get back to blogging! Ugh! I haven’t blogged since the beginning of the year and it’s so good for me to 1) reflect on my own teaching and 2) share what I’m excited about in education. It also has the added bonus of 3) engaging in conversations around issues in education. I just need to find time to get back to it because I really do enjoy it!

Laurie McIntosh

My resolution was to get rid of my teacher desk and to provide more flexible seating for my kindergarten students. So far, so good!

Candice Medynski Riehl

Commitment to balance and setting limits on time spent working, so I can be a more joyful mom and teacher.


Holiday error detected

Thank you for always keeping Alberta’s teachers informed on what is happening in the political realm. The articles are generally well written and informative. However, I just wanted to mention that on page 3 of the Dec. 1, 2015 edition of the ATA News it was printed that Hanukkah is on Dec. 20. Actually, Hanukkah was early this year. It started on Dec. 6 and ended on Dec. 14.

I just wanted to make sure that the correction was noted and that all our Jewish colleagues enjoyed a happy and wonderful celebration.

Dorothy F. Hinz
Kateri School, Trout Lake

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